50 SHOCKING SEO Statistics You Need to See!

Written by
Dalton Roth

Organic Search Results Statistics

  1. 51% of all website traffic comes from organic search,

  2. ...10% from paid search.

  3. ...5% for social

  4. ...34% from all other sources. (BrightEdge)

  5. 32.5% of the average traffic share is dominated by the first organic search result on Google. (Chitika)

  6. ...91.5% of the average traffic share is dominated by the first page of organic search results on Google. (Chitika)

  7. 1,890 words is the average content length of the first page result on Google. (Backlinko)

  8. Over 40% of revenue is captured by organic traffic. (BrightEdge)

  9. 73,000,000,000 phone calls were generated from mobile search alone in 2018. (Acquisio)

  10. 8.59 is the average number of organic desktop search results that populate on page 1 of Google. (SearchMetrics) (No longer 10!)

  11. 20 x’s more traffic opportunity in SEO than compared to PPC on both mobile and desktop.

Industry/Business Spending Statistics

  1. $72,020,000,000 is the estimated amount brands and agencies in the United States spent on SEO services in 2018. The amount is forecasted to rise up another 7.25 billion by 2020. (Borrell Associates)

  2. $5,000 is the monthly amount majority of businesses are spending on SEO. (Moz)

Local Search Behavior Statistics

  1. 80% of consumers use search engines to find local information. (Google/Ipsos MediaCT/Purchased)

  2. 18% of local smartphone searches led to a purchase within a day. (Google/Ipsos MediaCT/Purchased)

  3. 88% of users search on a smartphone. (Google/Ipsos MediaCT/Purchased)

  4. 54% of smartphone users search for business hours.

  5. 53% of smartphone users search for directions to a local store. (Google/Ipsos MediaCT/Purchased)

  6. 80% consumers prefer ads customized to their city, zip code, or immediate surroundings. (Google/Ipsos MediaCT/Purchased)

  7. 70% of consumers say it’s important to have directions and a call button in ads. (Google/Ipsos MediaCT/Purchased)

  8. 65% of people use their phone in their I-want-to-buy moments. (Think with Google)

  9. 76% of people who search on their smartphones for something nearby visit a business within a day.

  10. ... 28% of those searches for something nearby result in a purchase. (Think with Google)

User Search Behavior Statistics

  1. 51.3% of internet users worldwide operate mobile and tablet devices.

  2. ...48.7% use desktops.(StatCounter)

  3. 15% of the millions of active US web users performed at least one or more searches in a day.

  4. ...45% performed at least one query in a week.
  5. ...68% performed one or more queries that month. (Jumpshot/Moz)

  6. 79% of people took a relevant action on their phone prior to making a purchase. (Think with Google)

  7. 39% of purchasers were influenced by a relevant search. (Think with Google)

  8. 3 words is the average length of a typical search term. (Jumpshot/Moz)

  9. 21% of searches lead to more than one click on Google’s results. (Jumpshot/Moz)

Link Building Statistics

  1. 1,000 words is the average length of content that receives the most shares and links. (Buzzsumo/Moz)

  2. 41% of large companies consider link building as the most difficult SEO tactic. (Ascend2/Conductor)

Google Statistics

  1. 130 trillion web pages have been crawled by Google. (Google via Search Engine Land)

  2. 2 trillion is the estimated number of searches Google is handling per year worldwide. That breaks down to 63,000 searches per second; 3.8 million searches per minute; 228 million searches per hour; 5.5 billion searches per day; and 167 billion searches per month. (Search Engine Land)

  3. 1 billion people use Google search every month. (Google via Business Insider)

  4. 40-60 billion: The estimated number of searches happening on Google in the U.S. each month. (Jumpshot/Moz)

  5. 81% : The total search engine market share that Google currently holds. (Net Market Share)

  6. 15% of daily searches on Google are unique and never been searched for before. (Google)

  7. 1 minute is the average length someone spends on a search query.  (Jumpshot/Moz)

  8. 30% of all mobile searches are related to location. (Think with Google)

  9. 66% of distinct search queries resulted in one or more clicks on Google’s results.

  10. ...34% of searches get no clicks at all. (Jumpshot/Moz)

  11. 40.9% of Google searches done on mobile devices result in an organic click.

  12. ...2% in a paid click.

  13. ...57.1% in no click at all. (Jumpshot/Moz)

  14. 62.2% of Google searches done on desktop devices result in an organic click.

  15. 2.8% in a paid clicin no click. (Jumpshot/Moz)
  16. ...35% in no click. (Jumpshot/Moz)

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